Escaping the Problem
of Grabeng Sipon

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Colds, like every other illnesses, may be classified from MILD, MODERATE, SEVERE & VERY SEVERE. Medications specific to the severity of condition must therefore be taken for optimum results. The problem is, generally, the consumer would take a medication of lesser impact usually for the wrong severity of the condition.


Clarify Decolgen Forte’s brand positioning in the minds of the market to demonstrate its superiority versus other colds medicines?


SIMULATE the severity of the condition to EDUCATE the consumers so they can easily identify when they should take regular colds medicines or when they should take Decolgen Forte.


We thought about simulating the severity of the condition to educate the consumers so they can easily identify when they should take regular colds medicines or when they should take Decolgen Forte.

STEP 1: Booth visitors were asked to wear a helmet with a nose clip.

STEP 2: The visitor would then select 1 of 3 scenarios where one could acquire severe colds. As the story in the video progresses, the helmet and clip would compress to simulate stages from mild to severe headache, clogged nose & difficulty in breathing — symptoms of severe colds.

STEP 3: The video would then transition to a game wherein the visitor must search for icons, representing 4 key product benefits, to decompress and release the pressure in the helmet or effectively, enable the visitor to “Escape from Grabeng Sipon”.


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